- 1. Patient referral Form
- 2. Diploma of Higher Education in Palliative Care
- 3. Certificate in Palliative Care : Health Care Professionals
- 4. Certificate in Palliative Care : Non Health Care Professionals
- 5. Guidelines for demonstrating evidence of palliative care experience
- 6. Guidelines on presenting a reflective Curriculum Vitae
- 7. Information for mentors
- 8. Introductory Letter for course application
- 9. Notes for completing a registration form and submitting supporting documentation
- 10. Program Specification (Brochure) for the Diploma course
- 11. Reference Form for Applicants
- 12. Registration Form
- 13. Nairobi Hospice newsletter 2018-19
- 14. 2022AtAGlance.
- 15. Nairobi Hospice Services.
- 16. Strategic Plan 2022-2025.